National Headlines

7 Qualities “Happy Doctors” Have: Why Happy Doctors Are Not Malfunctioning Physicians.

This site, our webinars, all content, our EDU Resources and materials are not providing legal, medical, financial or other professional advice. You assume all risk. Intended Audience, PHYSICIANS. Photo Credit: CANVA PRO USER ACCOUNT DESIGNER-ADMINISTRATOR; (C) 2024 Concierge Medicine Today, LLC.One of our favorite quotes here at Concierge Medicine Today #FORDoctors comes from a Physician we interviewed recently. (Access that interview here …). Dr. Nneka Unachukwu, a Physician and author of a new book, EntreMD said on our Podcast … “The cavalry is not coming. The cavalry is here. The cavalry is us. We’re the ones that are going to rise to the occasion and effect the change we want to see.”

Letter from the Editor: “Why Happy Doctors Are Not Malfunctioning Physicians”

By Editor, Concierge Medicine Today

I have a unique seat on the bus in our healthcare culture to speak to Physicians from all walks of life. From early startups to late retirements, it’s a fun job for the most part, pouring into Physicians’ lives and sharing their thoughts on running a successful practice with you.

This site, our webinars, all content, our EDU Resources and materials are not providing legal, medical, financial or other professional advice. You assume all risk. Intended Audience, PHYSICIANS. Photo Credit: CANVA PRO USER ACCOUNT DESIGNER-ADMINISTRATOR; (C) 2024 Concierge Medicine Today, LLC.Once a quarter, we write a letter from the editor to our Physician readers at Concierge Medicine Today, echoing some of our guests’ wisdom. It may include their wise sentiments, stories of woe, and the occasional [metaphorical] grab you by the shoulders peer-to-peer advice our Physician guests want to make sure you, our busy Physician readers, must know to be the best version of you FOR the world and your Patients.

Oddly enough, however, one theme trending in our weekly conversations with Physicians is “You have permission to be happy.”

For some reason, happy Physicians are seen in our healthcare economy and burned-out culture as malfunctioning Physicians.

That’s not okay with me.

I’ve even heard someone (a Physician) say from a stage to his colleagues, ‘You should wear making no money as a badge of honor.’

That’s not okay with me either.

One of my mentors, Jeff Henderson, recently said, “For some reason, profitable organizations are seen as evil in today’s world. Sure, there are organizations that do bad things. Call me naive, but I think that’s the exception. I think the world is better when we have thriving, profitable organizations. In fact, thriving communities require it.”

I think he’s right!

Dr. Nneka Unachukwu, a Physician and author of a new book, EntreMD said on our Podcast … “The cavalry is not coming. The cavalry is here. The cavalry is us [i.e. Doctors]. We’re [i.e. Doctors] the ones that are going to rise to the occasion and effect the change we [i.e. Doctors] want to see.”

I think she’s right!

This site, our webinars, all content, our EDU Resources and materials are not providing legal, medical, financial or other professional advice. You assume all risk. Intended Audience, PHYSICIANS. Photo Credit: CANVA PRO USER ACCOUNT DESIGNER-ADMINISTRATOR; (C) 2024 Concierge Medicine Today, LLC.Applying these two wise statements to you and your place in our healthcare culture today, I would say, “I think our communities, [your Patients], your practice, your co-workers, your family, etc., are happier, healthier and more engaged with you when you have a thriving, profitable medical practice that you enjoy entering each day.”

Isn’t it interesting that when we actively study, interview, and understand the life of a happy Physician, we find that most, if not all, have seven things in common? I often see this displayed in many of the Concierge Medicine practices I interview. They include:

  1. Happy Doctors typically don’t rant online.
  2. Happy Doctors are usually not quick to criticize. Instead, they are quick to become students about topics, concepts, and things they realize are outside their expertise.
  3. Happy Doctors know that their purpose extends beyond the exam room. They are doing something to make their community a better place that refuels their depleted tank.
  4. Happy Doctors routinely cultivate good boundaries with colleagues, co-workers, patients, and friends.
  5. Happy Doctors often leave on time on specific days, whenever possible.
  6. Happy Doctors read many business books on time management, managing human resources, and more.
  7. Happy Doctors are mindful that attitude impacts their day and affects their relationships. For example, they can often be found writing a handwritten note of gratitude for their patients, peers, and colleagues.

In summary, it’s no longer about being the best Doctor in the world; it’s about being the best Doctor FOR the world, FOR your Patients, and FOR your local community.

Have a wonderful week ahead, and thank you FOR all you do to help so many people in your practice. We see you, we believe in you, and we are FOR YOU,



Editor-In-Chief, Concierge Medicine Today | Host, Organizer, the industry’s annual medical education conference, the Concierge Medicine Forum

Originally posted: December 6, 2022

Categories: National Headlines

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