Healthy Leadership Practices

Flattening the curve of bullying in healthcare …

Podcast episode guest, Editor/Author of Concierge Medicine Today joins The DocPreneur Leadership Podcast

“Wikipedia defines the echo chamber effect as ‘The echo chamber effect occurs online when a harmonious group of people amalgamate and develop tunnel vision. Participants in online discussions may find their opinions constantly echoed back to them, which reinforces their individual belief systems due to the declining exposure to other’s opinions.’[2] ”

Editor’s Note: This probably doesn’t apply to you, but you know places and see faces who do this. We recorded and wrote this blog to remind those whom this does apply to to be kind to other Physicians and stop the peer-to-peer bullying happening in healthcare … because we just never know what some of you or maybe your colleagues might be going through. Hope you find this helpful, encouraging and a little amusing. 🙂